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Thursday, March 04, 2004
"Obstacles cannot crush me; every obstacle yields to stern resolve."
~ Leonardo da Vinci
"When all else is lost, the future still remains." ~ Christian Bovee
"Experience is the hardest kind of teacher.
It gives you the test first, and the lesson afterward." ~ Anonymous
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every
experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
You must do the thing you think you cannot do." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Blogging . . .
How do we know where to draw that thin line between idle, entertaining self-chatter and the revelation of deep, dark secrets?
Some people blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends. Some people blog as a way to make political, social or other comparative personal statements that affect their lives, and those around them. Some people blog as a way to use a public forum as a "Dear Diary" to unload the trials, tribulations or exuberations of their day. And, some people blog to just blog.
So the question has come to me -- from deep within the recesses of my soul -- "why am I blogging?"
I think I am a conglomeration of all of the above. Each time I write, it is for a different reason, and with a different purpose in mind. Yet, last Friday through yesterday (Wednesday), my blogging stopped entirely due to a series of circumstances that were too much to deal with on-line or in real life. Life, as we all know, is filled with potholes and speed bumps, but mine suddenly felt as if it was filled with ravines and mountains!
Thomas Wolfe may have penned the words within his book, "You Can't Go Home Again," but I do not believe this to always be entirely true.
"When I let go of what I am,
I become what I might be." ~ Lao Tzu
"As long as one keeps searching,
the answers come." ~ Joan Baez
In the midst of turmoil, I have seen a light at the end of the tunnel (and it isn't a train!). It looks as if, after 1,011 days and counting, I'm finally going home again!
The details are too delicate to share at this point in time but, suffice it to say, I am deliriously happy at the prospect of seeing my beloved hometown, and to be able to call it "home," once again.
current mood: Ecstatic, Excited & Anxious
current music: Sheryl Crow - "Home"
2004 -2005 (C) Copyrighted Materials All Rights Reserved. Susan Reno-Gilliland This Southern Belle's Life
No portion of the contents or materials specifically written by the author may be directly or indirectly reproduced, copied, modified, performed, displayed, sold, transmitted, published, rewritten for publication, redistributed in any medium, nor may any portion of the content be stored in a computer or distributed over any network, or otherwise used in any way, without the expressed prior written consent and permission of the author.
Just because you read my blog
don't assume you really know me!
READ.THIS -- Skin created by Tuskudrusla.
Color-scheme and design "tweaked" by "This Southern Belle's Life" author.
This Author's Profile
♪ I am Susan Reno-Gilliland, known as "Miss Kitty," an Irish lass, a true Southern Belle; a writer, photographer, animal-lover, dreamer, stargazer, totally tangled (or is that entangled?) in relationships, slightly obsessive iNFp with stories to tell! . . . (fascinated by forensics, human behavior, pushing all the right buttons of men I find interesting, and seeking utterly-sweet revenge without any repercussions.) I am a Friday's Child. Friday's Child is loving & giving. View my complete profile Find out even more