Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Monday (on Wednesday)From "Baker's Dozen Monday" meme. As the Baker's Dozen Monday meme says, use: twelve thoughts and one pic to describe your weekend, so here goes my list for this week (only two days late): 1. Cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning so that potential buyers could view the house and think it was totally ab-fab; 2. Needing to pack more stuff to get ready for the upcoming move, and just not being in the mood to tackle it; 3. (Having to) watch the first two Harry Potter movies because my s.o. read the first three books and wanted to see the first two movies before going to the theatre to see the third (luckily, I've managed to stay out of the theatre so far!); 4. Making the mistake of wearing a girlie-girl dress and girlie-girl shoes to church on Sunday instead of what I normally wear, and paying for it with blisters on my feet now. I'm definitely a Birkenstocks, Harley boots, barefoot, or flip-flops kinda gal . . . girlie-girl shoes may look wonderful (and may have been my regular shoe of choice for years until I went a'la natural), but they hurt like the Devil now! 5. Taking the Harley down a long country road to a great little town about 45 minutes southwest and finding a hole-in-the-wall restaurant with fabulous Italian food; 6. Finding out that my uncle (originally from TN) now living in Colorado is currently renting a house in Tennessee for house-hunting purposes within an hour of where we will probably be relocating to shortly; 7. Hosting a Bon Voyage party for friends who are moving to Colorado (the wife and children are leaving today [Wednesday], the husband is going to the Amazon for two weeks today [Wednesday] and will be re-joining his family in Colorado in a couple of months). Eighteen adults, thirty children, three dogs, volleyball tournaments, horseshoe matches, grills-a-blazin', a double fudge cake with raspberry filling and loads of pale green icing, and a ton-of-fun!; 8. Discovering that a plant that I thought had passed into the great plant beyond during winter on the mudroom porch has started sprouting all sorts of new foliage up and down the bare stalks and is filling back in very nicely; 9. Being awake at some bizarre hour of the late night/early morning and catching a show called Passport to Design hosted by JoAnn Leibler, in which the premise is each show they transform a room into something with a theme from another country. The one I saw was a French-Country design (granted, it was true French Country, not the blue & yellow bastardized/Americanized version that became so popular among so many decorators in the last few years), and the room was absolutely stunning when they were finished. The kicker was when JoAnn asked the two designers the final cost of the room re-design, and was told that it only cost $153,000.00 and change - FOR ONE ROOM!; 10. Checking on the creeping ivy (that covers the whole side yard and most of the front fence row) that I potted some of last week, and finding that it appears to be taking root. Perhaps I'll be able to transfer a little ivy across-state-lines after all; 11. Transplanting a large catnip plant into a planter for the cats that has been growing outside since last summer from a single four-inch cutting. Once it establishes in the pot, I'll move it inside and the cats will go W-I-L-D!; and 12. Receiving my insurance check from our homeowners' insurance for the lightning damage the took out my last computer, fax machine, copier, printer, scanner, satellite modem, telephone, caller ID, monitor, lamp, AND the surge protector strip. The computer was even off at the time, and the house has six lightning rods located at strategic points along the roof-line. I guess a 105 year old house attracts a lot of things, including massive lightning bolts! Nepeta Cataria (catnip) current mood: Needing to work, not wanting to work current music: HGTV's Country Style on the television (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life I'm a Member of the: << # Bitch Club ? >> BlogRollin' other WebRing Members: Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Alabama Crimson Tide Football!
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