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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Ten Worst Fashion Mistakes You've Made
From the "Ten On Tuesdays" meme, today's list is the: Ten Worst Fashion Mistakes You've Made - YIKES!
1. Prominently-logo'd anything (in retrospect, this was a definite sign of insecurity, imho).
2. Any of the things worn that remotely resembled any of the rock-star's styles (what were we thinking???).
3. A large collection of pure 100% silk scarves ($$$) that could rival Bergdorf's and Neiman-Marcus accessory counters.
4. Six inch f*-me heels that permanently killed my arches and my calves (but, they did make my legs look great - long and shapely - at the time).
5. Totally wrong colors for my complexion simply because the colors were "in style" that season (I often looked like a corpse from Six Feet Under).
6. Oversized shirts and sweaters to try to camouflage my more-than-ample chest (the baggy shirts only made me look big and frumpy all over).
7. Perming my hair until I looked like a fried blonde poodle (No, I was only trying to fool myself into thinking I looked like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction).
8. Stirrup pants, with or without boots, in some form of lycra (this could have worked only if the pants had been denim paired with cowboy boots while I was riding horses on my cousin's horse farm!).
9. Thinking I could be anything but a blonde (you should have seen the "redhead-incident," as it has now come to be referred to! Let's just say, shocking orange was NOT the color I was going for!).
10. And, the worst mistake has been - NOT STOCKING UP - on timeless, classic pieces that I've found that look fabulous for my style, look, personality and overall image when I find them, and are perfect for practically any important business or business-social function!
2004 -2005 (C) Copyrighted Materials All Rights Reserved. Susan Reno-Gilliland This Southern Belle's Life
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READ.THIS -- Skin created by Tuskudrusla.
Color-scheme and design "tweaked" by "This Southern Belle's Life" author.
This Author's Profile
♪ I am Susan Reno-Gilliland, known as "Miss Kitty," an Irish lass, a true Southern Belle; a writer, photographer, animal-lover, dreamer, stargazer, totally tangled (or is that entangled?) in relationships, slightly obsessive iNFp with stories to tell! . . . (fascinated by forensics, human behavior, pushing all the right buttons of men I find interesting, and seeking utterly-sweet revenge without any repercussions.) I am a Friday's Child. Friday's Child is loving & giving. View my complete profile Find out even more