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Monday, February 07, 2005
Books, Movies, & Life . . .
I, at this very moment in time, have 128 movies in my blockbuster.com queue.
And, there are some movies coming to the theatres in the next few months that also look like they might make my 'must-see' lists. In addition to the commitment I made to see 'certain' movies that I've not seen before (old and new classics, and ones I missed for whatever reasons), I also made a commitment on 43Things to read at least 50 books in 2005. I have five new books waiting in the wings, not counting the two I'm currently re-reading, and the one I'm reading for the first time, consecutively. I have some serious research to do for my own book that involves some travel, as well as logging some major hours in the library stacks and microfilm reels.
When will I have time for all of these things? I mean, all of these things, . . . and, . . . life -- the ordinary, every day, mundane things that constitute life? What about the fun things? Friends? Family? Entertainment? Just hangin' out?
I haven't seen some of my friends in months . . . some much longer than months . . .
I haven't been to the museum, to the opera, to the symphony, to the theatre in . . . I can't remember the last time.
Work is just . . . work -- nothing enjoyable -- just work . . . not the rush it used to be.
My art is suffering . . . I can't tell you the last time I took photos for the enjoyment of making pictures. I can't tell you the last time I made art for art's sake. A situation arose last Saturday that caused the meeting between myself and my s.o.'s cousin to have to be postponed. We were meeting to discuss the details of a joint photography showing -- tentatively slated for early Autumn -- but, with both of our schedules so hectic, it may be weeks (or longer) before we can reschedule our planning session.
How I long for a repeat of last April . . . talk about a "jump-start" to creativity! We traveled back to one of our favorite spots on the West Coast and spent a week in a secluded B&B . . . early mornings on the beach to watch the sun rise . . . early evenings watching the sun set . . . a rented convertible -- driving up the Pacific Coast Highway to Big Sur -- plenty of books to read while lying on the beach and while sitting in the porch swing outside of our bungalow by the fire each evening -- bike-riding around the quaint little town, taking in all the sights, sounds, and inspirations.
Now, with the new business just getting up and running, there's no way we can get away . . . how can I find my muse again?
2004 -2005 (C) Copyrighted Materials All Rights Reserved. Susan Reno-Gilliland This Southern Belle's Life
No portion of the contents or materials specifically written by the author may be directly or indirectly reproduced, copied, modified, performed, displayed, sold, transmitted, published, rewritten for publication, redistributed in any medium, nor may any portion of the content be stored in a computer or distributed over any network, or otherwise used in any way, without the expressed prior written consent and permission of the author.
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This Author's Profile
♪ I am Susan Reno-Gilliland, known as "Miss Kitty," an Irish lass, a true Southern Belle; a writer, photographer, animal-lover, dreamer, stargazer, totally tangled (or is that entangled?) in relationships, slightly obsessive iNFp with stories to tell! . . . (fascinated by forensics, human behavior, pushing all the right buttons of men I find interesting, and seeking utterly-sweet revenge without any repercussions.) I am a Friday's Child. Friday's Child is loving & giving. View my complete profile Find out even more