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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Let's Hear It, Olivia!
As hard as we may try to erase it from our memories, we'll always be haunted by that 80's #1 chart-topper by Olivia-Newton-John when she tried to shed her goody-two-shoes, good girl image and give us her double-entendre ridden lyrics in that sappy song . . . "Let's Get Physical"
Double-entendres aside . . . I just canceled my membership at one gym (I wasn't getting the cardio and weight-training that I thought I needed with the program), and joined (re-joined, as I was previously a member in D.C.) Gold's Gym yesterday. As soon as the maid arrives (don't judge -- she's only doing the floors for me -- all the hardwood is i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e to keep looking good with five cats and three dogs!) . . . I'm off to the gym for my first session with the new program.
I also just finished watching "Annie Hall" for -- amazingly-enough -- the first time ever. Although I've never been a big Woody Allen fan (although some of his movies I've found entertaining), this one was worth watching (unlike a few of the other "must-sees" so far that didn't stack up to the over-inflated reputations that preceeded them).
It's time to fill some empty time with some creative -- beneficial -- tasks . . . the gym is merely the first step . . . look out, World . . . I'm clawing my way back out of this fog!!
2004 -2005 (C) Copyrighted Materials All Rights Reserved. Susan Reno-Gilliland This Southern Belle's Life
No portion of the contents or materials specifically written by the author may be directly or indirectly reproduced, copied, modified, performed, displayed, sold, transmitted, published, rewritten for publication, redistributed in any medium, nor may any portion of the content be stored in a computer or distributed over any network, or otherwise used in any way, without the expressed prior written consent and permission of the author.
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This Author's Profile
♪ I am Susan Reno-Gilliland, known as "Miss Kitty," an Irish lass, a true Southern Belle; a writer, photographer, animal-lover, dreamer, stargazer, totally tangled (or is that entangled?) in relationships, slightly obsessive iNFp with stories to tell! . . . (fascinated by forensics, human behavior, pushing all the right buttons of men I find interesting, and seeking utterly-sweet revenge without any repercussions.) I am a Friday's Child. Friday's Child is loving & giving. View my complete profile Find out even more