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Saturday, July 02, 2005
Early Morning Communion . . .
Before the festivities of the long holiday weekend kick-in with full force, I've taken a few moments to myself to grab a slice of peace and quiet, and to try to find some center of balance before the weekend sets everything off kilter. I brought my laptop out onto the back deck, where it is so peaceful and quiet; the only sounds are an occasional bird or a slight rustling of the leaves high up in the trees. The air hasn't reached that muggy everyday-Southern consistency yet, so it is actually quite pleasant and relaxing with just enough wind moving around, and the themometer on the porch says that it is only 65 degrees right now -- a nice beginning to an early morning of solitude.
I brewed a fresh cup of cranberry tea, and am taking my time to savor its flavor as I watch a couple of squirrels playing tag between two of the tallest trees in the back. This has always been one of my favorite times of day; when Nature allows you communion on a simplier level, and in a peaceful way. It was always very easy on the farm but, amazingly-enough, with the way this house is situated on the property, and the way the decks and porches are designed on different angles and juts, and incorporated into the back yard that is filled with mature trees, you can still get a sense of that "million-miles-away" from civilization without having all of the extra acreage that we gave up when we sold the farm and moved back South.
I know that -- shortly -- this solitude will be broken with the beginning of the weekend frenzy . . . the telephone will start to ring . . . the neighbors will be up, busying themselves with projects and chores around their houses, traffic will start to filter through the neighborhood, and the temperature will start creeping up, along with that stifling mugginess that takes your breathe away.
But, for now, I'm content to listen to the birds and the wind in the trees, to sip on my cranberry tea, and to be at peace with myself . . .
2004 -2005 (C) Copyrighted Materials All Rights Reserved. Susan Reno-Gilliland This Southern Belle's Life
No portion of the contents or materials specifically written by the author may be directly or indirectly reproduced, copied, modified, performed, displayed, sold, transmitted, published, rewritten for publication, redistributed in any medium, nor may any portion of the content be stored in a computer or distributed over any network, or otherwise used in any way, without the expressed prior written consent and permission of the author.
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This Author's Profile
♪ I am Susan Reno-Gilliland, known as "Miss Kitty," an Irish lass, a true Southern Belle; a writer, photographer, animal-lover, dreamer, stargazer, totally tangled (or is that entangled?) in relationships, slightly obsessive iNFp with stories to tell! . . . (fascinated by forensics, human behavior, pushing all the right buttons of men I find interesting, and seeking utterly-sweet revenge without any repercussions.) I am a Friday's Child. Friday's Child is loving & giving. View my complete profile Find out even more