Sunday, September 11, 2005
Caught In A Whirlwind . . .I can't even begin to explain what life is like these days. The closest description I can think of is that I feel as if I'm standing on a train platform, and the trains keep zooming by -- as fast as they can -- never slowing down, never stopping at the platform -- simply passing me by. By that, I don't mean that I feel as if "life" is passing me by, in the way most people use that phrase . . . I just mean that it seems like time has been wound too tight and everything is moving in fast motion, and I can't seem to keep up with everything I need to take care of on a daily basis because life is just swirling around me like a whirlwind. Category:: This Thing Called "Life" I'm a Member of the: << # Bitch Club ? >> BlogRollin' other WebRing Members: Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Alabama Crimson Tide Football!
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