Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Genuine Millionaire, Part IIIf I Had $10,000,000 Since Genuine so generously bequeathed ten million in tax-free U.S. American currency to me, I should (at least) let my benefactor know how I plan to use the gift. 01. Pay off remaining mortgage on primary residence. Amount remaining: $9,800,000. 02. Purchase ocean-front cottage in either Carpenteria, CA or Savannah, GA to "escape" to whenever life gets too hectic (Spring/Summer). Amount remaining: $9,500,000. 03. Purchase mountain chalet in either Maine or Colorado to "escape" to whenever life gets too hectic (Autumn/Winter). Amount remaining: $9,200,000. 04. Upgrade primary residence (although brand-new construction) with hardwood on the third level, build a separate studio in back, build a separate workshop in back, add additional garage space and convert the lower level into a full rec-room, upgrade electronics, appliances, window treatments, and assorted wants and desires. Amount remaining: $9,100,000. 05. Provide either new residence or needed upgrades to parents' house (whichever they prefer), including weekly cleaning and lawn maintenance crews. Amount remaining: $8,950,000. 06. Take the long-talked-about trip to our native homeland - Ireland - with my parents. Amount remaining: $8,935,000. 07. Invest in the best savings plan possible, and only use from the interest accrued for miscellaneous "fun" expenses. Amount remaining: $5,435,000. 08. Create a travel fund (invested to accrue interest) for exploring the world. Amount remaining: $4,435,000. 09. Create a philanthropist fund (invested to accrue interest) for supporting charities, the arts, those in immediate need, etc.. Amount remaining: $2,435,000. 10. Buy (well-thought-out and appropriate) gifts for friends and loved-ones. Amount remaining: $2,300,000. 11. Set up scholarship funds (invested to accrue interest) for my nephew (age three) and niece (due in January). Amount remaining: $2,000,000. 12. Create a retirement fund (invested to accrue interest) that will support my lifestyle, activities, needs, and creative endeavors in my "golden years." Amount remaining: $1,000,000. 13. Create a "slush" fund for rainy day play (invested to accrue interest) - anonymous donations and gifts to deserving individuals, organizations, and causes, and big-ticket items for friends and loved-ones when they cannot afford the costs (such as auto replacements, down-payments for houses, etc). Amount remaining: $0. Thank you, kind Genuine, for the most generous gift . . . and the (Mitty-esque) opportunity to do something good to help others, too. (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life
Exploding MailboxI can't explain it (other than simple passive-aggressive behavior), but I can't seem to take the time to read the ever-accumulating mail in my e-mail box. Before friends start lighting torches and storming my house, let me clarify that with . . . I read the mail from friends, usually as soon as it arrives, but I seem to let the avalanche of yahoo-groups posts, subscribed-to newsletters, and assorted this-n-that just clog up my mailbox day after day. At least I have filters that sort all of that miscellaneous mail into individual folders for groups, newsletters and the like but, still, I can't seem to bring myself to just read and/or delete the back-log. Right now, I have several yahoo-group folders with anywhere from 40 to 600+ messages that just keep on accumulating. And that is even after I logged in and set 4-5 of my groups to "special-notice-only" status. P-r-o-c-r-a-s-t-i-n-a-t-i-o-n seems to be my mantra when it comes to my e-mail box. Unless I do something soon, I'm afraid it may simply explode from the massive influx of e-mails! (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Monday, November 29, 2004
Genuine Millionaire, Part IWhile visiting Not All Who Wander Are Lost's site for my daily read, I found the link and accompanying dialogue to the bequeath by Genuine to all who read that blog. On Genuine's blog, I found the following: ![]() "I just gave each of you $10 Million dollars to do anything with it you would like. You can blow it all or set long term goals for your future. You are a Genuine Millionaire. Now tell me what you would do. You can put it here in comments or post it on your own site. I really am curious about how you are going to spend your money. Give us all a peek. Invite us into your Walter Mitty world. What great fodder for a writing prompt. I'm going to give this some thought . . . more later . . . (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life
White Noise - EVPCheck out the White Noise trailer, for the movie debuting January 7, 2005. I stumbled across the link to the trailer somewhere among my surfing today and, although I haven't heard of the movie before, it is on my "Must-See" list now. I've always been fascinated with the supernatural, unexplained phenomenon, and occurrences such as this movie depicts. If you want to learn more about E.V.P. (Electronic Voice Phenomena), you can check out the American Association of EVP (A.A.E.V.P.) here. Never dismiss anything just because you can't explain it away . . . (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life
Lost In A CrowdI recently entered one of my photos in a Photo Contest. There were several different categories in which to choose to best represent the "type" of photograph that I was entering. The contest only allows one photo per household for the contest, so I chose one that I thought would be a bit historically-eerie and thought-provoking, as well as scenic. I guess I should have checked the gallery before choosing my category because the category that I chose (Travel) must have a ba-zillion and two other entries already. I guess my little photograph will just be lost-in-the-midst. For anyone interested in seeing what I submitted, you can check it out here - Civil War Relics, Chattanooga, TN. Author's Note: Since posting the above-referenced link, the site has changed the placement of my photo to: this instead. FYI, FWIW. At least I took the plunge and entered. That's better than procrastinating on getting my work in different venues other than just shops and art shows. Is it more exposure (pardon-the-pun) than other venues? I guess I'll just have to wait and see . . . (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Saturday, November 27, 2004
Who Am I (really)?After much evaluation, the time has come to update both my Artist's Statement and my Writer's Statement, as well as update my Portfolio. It is a little disconcerting when doing something such as this to see where you were - as opposed to where you are now, both in the creative realm, as well as with life in general. I'm sure it could (potentially) be a reawakening for the creative spirit, if done with an open mind and a nonjudgmental attitude, yet beginning the process is leaving me more frustrated than inspired. I'm curious as to what other writers and/or artists consider their strengths and weaknesses, and how they view their statements as it reflects what they do, and how they create. I'm actually very interested in hearing how others approach the statements that are so often requested by potential publications, galleries, shops, et al. I actually find it quite difficult to reduce my creative spirit into a few paragraphs designed to capture the essence of who I am as a writer, photographer and artist. Does anyone else find this a daunting task as well. (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life
How Much Are You Worth?According to PersonPrice.com, I'm worth $3,077,535.98! How much are you worth? (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Thursday, November 25, 2004
Turkey Day!It has been a hectic - hectic week for me this week I haven't had much computer time at all ... as my blog reflects ... But, to all who read my ramblings, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope to get back into the swing of things next week. Have a SAFE and WONDERFUL holiday (long) weekend! (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Monday, November 22, 2004
What Number Am I?I just can't pass up something like this. Thanks to Grey Biker for sharing . . .
Not too far off target, actually! (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Thursday, November 18, 2004
Updates F.Y.I.There have been quite a few updates recently on my other sites. If you have the time, take a few moments to check them out: A Southern Belle's Works - the latest column published in the North Texas e-News. Good Girls Don't . . . But (sometimes) I Do - catching up on my meme addiction. Never Under-estimate A Southern Belle - another previously published piece (from a site that I choose to no longer be affiliated for integrity reasons). Scavenger Hunt Memes - still waiting on this new meme to catch on with others. Feel free to spread the word! A Southern Belle's Expressions - new photographs from two recent Harley road trips. Check out the Art District / Coolidge Park - Chattanooga, TN and Point Park, Lookout Mountain, TN Galleries. Here's a little teaser for all you photo buffs out there . . . an aged newspaper effect of one of the Civil War cannons at Point Park. ![]() And, don't forget -- we're still looking for feedback and suggestions for our upcoming holiday . . . just around the corner, next April. Southern Belles' Month is just a little over four months away. Let's hear your ideas for some events in your area. You may contact A Southern Belle's Life through a.southern.belle@gmail.com. (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Cattle CallLast Friday, I drove down to the Town Center @ Cobb to attend the Victoria's Secret GRAND OPENING at the Mall. The event started at 9:00 a.m., and I arrived promptly at 9:00. I expected a few people to be there, but I expected -- since it was a Friday -- that most people would be at work or at school. Man, was I EVER wrong!! They had the poles-&-straps up in a winding line similar to l--o--n--g amusement park lines or airline ticket counters. The security was heavier than if the President himself were arriving any minute. All the little petite "Vickie" girls were dressed in their black uniforms and talking into mics concealed inside the lapels of their jackets, and were listening intently to the earpieces tucked firmly into their ears. I waited over an hour and a half JUST to walk through the front door -- AN HOUR AND A HALF! And, wouldn't you know it -- they didn't have the gold shimmer bra that I went to buy in my size. BUMMER! I stood in line all that time and I still have to order that bra out of the catalogue. Of course, that didn't stop me from shopping . . . I'm a VS junkie! I have nothing in my lingerie drawers but VS . . . and the credit card bills to prove it! Still, I could not believe the number of people lined up to get into VS. But, what can I say??? I was one of them . . . and waited over an hour and a half just to get inside! (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Thursday, November 11, 2004
Unabashed PromotionI enjoy memes. I think a lot of the ones I participate in on my sister blog, Good Girls Don't . . . But (Sometimes) I Do are just plain fun. So, that gave me the bug to want to start one of my very own. And, so I did. Of course, the word isn't out yet, so the poor little blog is just sitting there all lonely and forelorn. And, that's why I'm mentioning it here. Perhaps someone will be interested in participating each week. It is a twice-a-week Scavenger Hunt . . . Tuesdays are photos, and Thursdays are URLs. If you want to check it out, add a link to it, or otherwise just take a peek or play along, it can be found at: Scavenger Hunt Memes. MEMES . . . it's a good thing! (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life
Makes Me ProudIt's stories like these that really make me proud to be . . . not only a Southerner but, in this instance, from Tennessee (once even living in Red Bank for about seven years -- it is a suburb of Chattanooga). And, TRUST ME!, the "proud" part was most definitely oozing with sarcasm!
One girl continued working for a year after the incident. The other did not leave when it happened to her the first time because she "didn't have a ride home." I think I'd start walkin'! The update today is that Mr. Levengood (from Cleveland, TN) was released on bond and is now in the hospital due to a possible suicide attempt. He is charged with two counts of sexual battery. In addition to the spankings, he also took photos of their bums (not at the same time he was spanking them) -- perhaps "trophy" photos??? (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Another 50 QuestionsCategory: Blogging
(c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Friday, November 05, 2004
My Name In Lights (Okay, Type)Even when you expect it, seeing your name in print gives you a little flutter in your belly when you first read it (well, at least it does for me). I was recently mentioned in my good friend Patricia Paris' latest syndicated column, which can (also) be read here (which is her Patricia Paris, Stories Told With A Southern Drawl site). Patricia has a down-home charm about her writing, and can take the everyday and make it put a smile on your face. This is exactly what she did with her latest column, "E-Mails and Gee! Mails" which not only talks about the mail she receives from friends far and wide, but the assortment of other mail that seems to find its way into her mailboxes as well. I can totally relate to what she's saying . . . imagine my surprise to even find out that there are misguided souls out there who (1) think anyone built like me would have a penis (well, I don't have one that's attached to my body - that's not to say that I'm without one whenever I want one); and (2) that I would be interested in information from some total stranger sent via e-mail to enhance, enlarge or otherwise alter in any shape, form or fashion any penis that may be in my possession. Toss in all the ads for prescription drugs, home loans, mortgage refinancing, repairing credit reports, the miscellaneous foreign billionaire's family member that needs my assistance in moving large sums of money from one country to another, and all the other C-R-A-P that clogs up my mailboxes on a daily basis (and that is WITH a multitude of spam filters, blocked senders' lists, and the like!), and I know E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what Patricia is talking about! But, I digress . . . If you have a moment or two, please check out my friend Patricia Paris' work -- she's an amazing writer with a quirky sense of humor. And, to top it all off, she's a published author, too -- with her latest book going to press next week. You can see (and buy) her books by checking her out at The Writer Gazette. (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life
Birthday CardsI received an on-line birthday card from a friend today through Birthday Alarm and here's what it said: Imaginative, passionate, intense, strong-willed and charismatic. Scorpio, the world is yours for the taking. Element: Water Keyword: Sex Gemstone: Opal Ruling Planet: Mars/Pluto It's amazing how well that person, and that birthday card, know me! *ha-ha* I have to admit, though, I am a typical, text-book Scorpio in EVERY sense of the word! I've been celebrating all week (thanks to my s.o.), and tomorrow is actually the BIG day - another year older (or, at least as far as governmental entities go, I will be). We're supposed to be going on a day-trip Harley ride tomorrow in search of picturesque venues to photograph, followed by watching the Alabama - Mississippi State football game. I have more to tell you about my celebratory week, but I'll save that for a separate entry . . . (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Wednesday, November 03, 2004
50 QuestionsCategory: Blogging
(c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life
Annie, Crash & MeA couple of weeks ago, I was contemplating belief systems in a blog entry. Since then, I've given quite a bit of thought into what makes me who I am . . . in simple terms. To be honest, that is a harder task than it sounds. I challenge everyone to give it a go (and, when you do, be sure to post a link back here and let me know where your condensed-version is posted). Since I originally made reference to the exchanges between Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon in Bull Durham (1988), this blog entry is appropriately titled, "Annie, Crash & Me." So, without further ado, I give you my pronunciamento, condensing my existence into a few words that, hopefully, encompass who I am . . . I believe that "Southern by the grace of God" is not just some catchy phrase, but gospel. I also believe that "Southern Belle by the grace of God" is Chapter 2, Verse 1 of that same book. As for me, "Protected by Smith & Wesson" is not just some bumper sticker on the back of a redneck's pick-up, but exactly what my home and person are. I believe that, when needed, kicking up the southern accent a few shades a'la Steel Magnolias -- coupled with a hair flip, coy eye contact, and a sly smile -- will get you practically anything you want or need. I believe that there is no such thing as too many shoes, too many purses, too much jewelry in the jewelry box to choose from, or too many "pretty, pretty boys that [she] calls friends" (thank you - D. Felder/D. Henley/G. Frey). I believe that there's something magnificently freeing to slipping into leather, strapping on a helmet and straddling the back of a Harley-Davidson. I believe that the saying "A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work" isn't just a saying, but a fact! I believe in Birkenstocks, tie-dyed t-shirts, and denim - and, I also believe in silk, cashmere, lace and 6" f.m. heels. I believe every day starts with slipping into Victoria's Secret! *and I have a platinum Angel card to prove it* I believe there are high-maintenance occasions, and no maintenance days. I believe that Spring/Summer means only O*P*I Chick-Flick-Cherry and Autumn/Winter means only O*P*I Vampire-State-Building. I believe in heavy metal, cool jazz, classical, classic rock -- and being open to lots of new experiences . . . whether visual, auditory, physical, or even a completely other realm or dimension. I believe in surrounding myself with friends who share the same twisted sense of humor that I have, and enjoy every moment we share together! I believe life is an adventure -- and I bought tickets for all of the thrill-rides! If you're interested in even more, you can check out the link to the right ----> (under view my complete profile) for a few more interesting tid-bits about your favorite Southern Belle! Trackback - Belief System (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life Monday, November 01, 2004
Moshin' AroundLast week, one of my best friends and I went to a concert. Granted, that doesn't sound like any earth-shattering news but, . . . you would have to understand the intricacies of all of the multi-level situations involved to fully appreciate the magnitude of the event. My s.o. doesn't like metal; neither does my best friend's s.o., so he and I decided to drive down to The Masquerade for the Devastation Across the Nation Tour (you can check out the press release for the Atlanta kick-off here). You would have thought we were committing an array of cardinal sins instead of simply getting into a single night of a little heavy metal with the way "some" people were acting over the whole thing. Of course, with this single blog entry, I've probably destroyed many readers' visions of a demure Southern Belle in just a few key strokes but, come on . . . I can't sit around and sip mint juleps in my hoop skirt on the veranda EVERY day now, can I?!? I'm just glad I wasn't the oldest person there, for cripes-sake! If you want to check out the bands that we caught at The Masquerade, take a look: The Haunted Shadows Fall Damage Plan And, for all of those who have given me grief over my choices as of late, I think I will adopt one of Damage Plan's releases from their latest New Found Power as my new anthem . . . those smart enough to check out the discography can probably figure it out . . . B. - you know which one . . . I think we were both rockin' to it last week, eh?!? (c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life I'm a Member of the: << # Bitch Club ? >> BlogRollin' other WebRing Members: ![]() Harley-Davidson Motorcycles ![]() Alabama Crimson Tide Football ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() BlogHop.com! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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